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Win a Free Cooking Class!

Subscribe & WinThat’s right. We’re offering a seat in a cooking class to one lucky randomly-chosen subscriber of our Kitchen Talk Blog.  If you’re a subscriber, you’re already entered to win! If not, just subscribe to the blog at the top of the right-side column.  >>>

Subscribers to our blog receive an email when new stories are posted to our blog. We’re not crazy rabid post-ers (promise!), so expect just a few well thought out posts each week.  These posts include menus, information and recipes from our Tuesday Lunch, specials we’re offering, and sometimes just funny stuff that we like to share from behind-the-scenes at The Culinary Center.

At noon on Wednesday, April 1, we’ll choose the winner (no foolin’), so sign up today.

What do you say we spice up this deal?! If we hit 500 subscribers by the April 1 noon cutoff, we’ll pick a second winner and give them our ‘Best Recipes’ Culinary Center of Kansas City Cookbook!


 * Fine print:  Our ‘Subscribe & Win’ winner can choose a spot in an April cooking class, up to a $55 value. Pro Series and multi-day classes excluded. We’ll contact the winner via the email used to subscribe to the blog.

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