
Meet Our Instructors

Instructors?  We prefer to call them Culinary Rockstars!   

“I approach cooking from a science angle because I need to understand how things work.  If I understand the egg, I can scramble it better.  It’s as simple as that.”
                   – Alton Brown 

“I create my own spin on regional and global dishes. Variety is the spice of cooking & life!”

“Baking is transformation: turning flour into cake, eggs into custard, & ideas into something people enjoy.”


“I teach to promote the ‘en’ words – engage, enthuse, enlighten, entertain and enjoy.”

“I teach people cooking is about ‘FATT’ (Flavor Aroma Taste Texture) & understanding a recipe.”

Cooking should be a delightful, adventurous and fun experience, and my classes are designed to make it just that!

“Healthy cooking and plant-based meals are nothing short of culinary medicine.”

“Foods of my Mexican heritage are important to me, and I love to pass that along.”

“It feeds my soul to feed people & see their delight when equipped with new culinary skills.”

“Good food is always made with the three Ps: Passion, Pride and Panache.”

“Life is sweet.
Baking makes people happy and brings joy. Enjoy!”

“I am a foodie and love to teach about and share my love for food.”

“Life is too short to eat bad food. I love to show people how easy it is to create delicious food.”

“I believe everyone has the space to be creative, you just need a safe space to learn and play.”

“Decorating cookies puts me in my happy place. I want to help others find that place.”

“Vegan meals can be fun, easy to make and delicious!”

“‘No one is born a great cook, one learns by doing.’   – Julia Child”

“Food is a beautiful thing.” 

“Perfect a recipe, then you can put your stamp on it and change it to your liking and taste.”

“I love sharing my passion for cooking and baking.  Good food makes people happy!”

Have a passion & talent for cooking and teaching? Tell us why you’d be great for the CCKC team…