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Getting Involved In What You Love To Do

Meet Max, another member of our awesome Volunteer Foodie Crew. Max has been volunteering with us for years, and we L-O-V-E having him here!

Volunteer Foodie Crew“I completed one of the first Pro Series classes here in March of 2008.  From that class I started to volunteer at the Culinary Center.  I have volunteered for many of the Pro Series classes, as well as BBQ classes, Sushi classes, Tamales classes, and many others.  Each time that I volunteer I feel that I learn something.  I get to work with the great staff at the Culinary Center and I get to meet many great people.  I enjoy cooking, and working as a volunteer is a great way to be involved in something that I like to do.”

Are you a foodie with an interest in being on our volunteer crew? Find out more details on website – click here!

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