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To Cater or Not to Cater. That Was Not the Question…

We had a wonderful opportunity to cater at The Kansas City Public Library – Central Location for their Show Me Shakespeare 2016 private opening night reception on Monday, June 6.  It was an entertaining evening of food, drink, and lots of laughs at The Kansas City Public Library.  It was truly a Comedy without any Errors (get it, instead of “Comedy of Errors”?)

In case you haven’t heard – the “First Folio! The Book That Gave Us Shakespeare” is on display June 6-28, 20016 at the downtown KC Public Library. Nearly four centuries after its publication, one of the world’s rarest and most valuable books – the first collection of William Shakespeare’s plays – has come to Kansas City.

Other than having the opportunity to see the First Folio and beautiful Shakespearean costumes (which were amazing!), guests at the opening night reception had the opportunity to hear excerpts and fun stories from a hilarious and witty historical cookbook, Shakespeare, Not Stirred, written by Caroline Bicks, Professor of English at Boston College.  This is where The Culinary Center of Kansas City came in!  We catered the evening, pairing food and wine with 3 different appetizers and 3 different cocktails from the cookbook that we delivered to all the guests. 

These dishes and drinks had unique and fun names that connected them to one of Shakespeare’s famous plays, such as “Maki-Beth Rolls” paired with “Richard’s Gimme-Let”, “Volumnia’s Bruise-Chetta” and “A Midsummer Night’s Bean Dip” paired with “Prospero’s Dark and Stormy”, and “Fallstaff’s Paunch Sliders” paired with “King Lear’s Retired-But-Forgotten”.  We created adorable little signs that had the name of the dish and cocktail, and an excerpt from the cookbook that went along with the name.  We also created a Shakespeare-inspired dessert display on their 5th floor complete with several varieties of hand-rolled truffles.

So you see, it wasn’t really a question of “To Cater or Not To Cater”…. it was rather a question of how could we totally impress the group of Library donors who were the esteemed guests of the Library that evening and to provide an exceptional customized experience that would not soon be forgotten. It’s what we do!

If you’d like information about the catering expertise and creativity The Culinary Center could bring to your group’s next event, contact our Private Events Manager, at 913/341.4455.

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