
Find Your Knife Personality


For over 20 years we have taught our students and customers that the perfect knife is based on how it feels in your hands and what kind of foods you usually cook. But now you can have a knife that does all that plus it fits your style of cooking and matches your colorful personality! What??? The new Wüsthof Classic Colors are a perfect way to express yourself in the kitchen. With five original colors, you can have a knife as one-of-a-kind as you!  Take the very quick survey below to find out what your knife personality is!

Take Our Knife Personality Quiz!

[os-widget path="/culinary-center-kc/what-s-your-knife-personality"]

Do You Agree With Your Survey Results? 
If you agree (or even if you disagree!) you can still learn more about each of the Classic Colors below. You never know…another color might strike your fancy or you might even end up staying with your old friend – the traditional Classic Black –  which is fine by us. In any case, pick a knife color that expresses YOU! 

Click on the arrows for a closer look at all of the colors or click on the smaller pictures below to shop and learn more about each of Wüsthof’s new ground-breaking Classic Color knife collections.

Click below to shop all Wüsthof ‘Classic Colors’ Knives as well as the traditional Classic Black!