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How do Detailers Get rid of the Dog Hair from Cargo Liners?

How do Detailers Get rid of the Dog Hair from Cargo Liners?

While being able to travel with your pet is always an enjoyable experience, getting the hair of your dog out of your car may not be. You don't need to have dog hair in your car since the pet is in there. Professional detailers have many tips and tricks to help you get rid of dog hair from your car. Keep reading to find out how these dog hair removal methods can make your car shine again.

The most effective way to prevent dog hair is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Take a look at our cargo liner for dogs.

Get ready for the Dog Hair Removal

Since dog hair may be caught in the the trunk fabric, it can be difficult to get rid of the hair from the car. It is necessary to clear the area with an air-tight hair outlet. Hairdryers are another option. Utilizing the hairdryer to blow compressed air on the fabric's surface will stimulate the hair of your dog to come out of the fibers.

After you have cleared the area, you can use these methods to remove hair from the car.

Static Electricity and Balloons

Did you know that when you blow in a balloon, you can apply it to your hair and it will rise as you lift it slowly? You can use this trick to remove pet hair from your car. Make use of balloons to rub your car's interior. The balloons will rise gradually when you rub them on your hair.

Once you have the hair in a ball you can dispose of it. While this is not the best alternative, it could be very helpful in situations where you want to be quieter or require assistance with the strands.


Rubber gloves

Rubber gloves aren't just handy in the kitchen or in the garden. They can also be used in the event of trying to remove pet hair from your vehicle. You just need to thoroughly clean your gloves, then spray some water on the pet hair-prone areas. Now, vigorously rub your gloves on the surfaces. This will allow hair to shed.

The hair sticks to your fingers. So get a bucket of water. This makes it easier than trying your best to curl the hair into tiny balls. You can repeat this process repeatedly until the car is completely dry.


A Vacuum & Pet Brush

A pet brush can be an excellent tool for getting pet hair out of any type of fabric. Spray some water on your hair and then use the brush to remove the hair. The brush will help bring the hair out of the fabric, which means you'll have an an easier time cleaning it up.

But, it is important to remember that a pet brush usually has hard and narrow bristles. There is a chance that your upholstery will be damaged by the brush. Make sure you get an animal brush that's slightly softer than your regular one. This makes it less likely to end up damaging your vehicle.


Dog Hair Protection Tips

Although you know how to get rid of hairs from your vehicle It's worthwhile to look at these tips for dog hair protection. They can prevent hair from adhering to your vehicle.


Pets are groomed

Remember to brush your pet's fur before you bring it into the car. This will remove any hairs.


Seat Covers

To protect your car against pet hair, dirt, sand and other contaminants There are a variety of excellent seat covers to choose from. Be cautious when removing the cover. Otherwise, you might end up with all sorts of things on your seat.


Travel Cargo Carriers

You can cut down on the amount of dog hair that gets on your seats with the use of a pet carrier.



There are a variety of methods to get your dog hair out of your vehicle. Additionally, many of them are employed by professional detailers because dog hair removal can be tricky. Anyone can do it.


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