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Economic qualities of ships

The economic qualities of the vessel are considered at the very beginning of the development of his project by the European design engineering company. First of all, the economic feasibility of creating a ship or its significance for progress in the branch of the national economy for which the ship is intended is established.

Achieving the best economic qualities is ensured by choosing

  • optimal main elements of the vessel (main dimensions, installation capacity, equipment, etc.), ensuring a reduction to a minimum of non-productive time (during stops under loading and unloading operations, etc.) and an increase in the time spent by the vessel at sea for navigation, on fishing, etc.;
  • optimal modes of operation of the vessel (speed, performance of fishing and processing equipment), ensuring the achievement of the best performance at the lowest cost of time and energy;
  • optimal ship construction technology (determination of the method of its construction and the appointment of a builder best suited for such construction). The main economic quality is the profitability of the vessel - the payback (within a certain period) of the costs of its creation and operation, i.e., the profit received during the operation of the vessel (transportation of goods, production and processing of fishery products, etc.)

It is possible to build ships, the unprofitability of which is known in advance, but is completely justified, for example, the construction of ships, during the operation of which new methods of obtaining energy, new areas and types of fishing are being mastered, new mechanisms, instruments and devices are being worked out.


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