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How to protect your garden from weeds and pests?

Do you have a problem with uninvited guests in the garden? Every gardener sooner or later comes across weeds and pests that can cause real trouble! To prevent this from happening, you can use sprays. It's important that we don't have to do this alone. Professional spraying is carried out by companies providing comprehensive gardening services.Spraying rules
If we want to protect the garden from weeds and pests on our own, we need to know the rules of spraying. Spraying will be effective and safe, provided that the manufacturer's recommendations indicating the best weather conditions for this spraying are followed. Only by carefully reading their description, we will achieve satisfactory results.The most important recommendations for spraying are:
do not spray in windy weather. In strong winds, the pathogen can spread to other plants and animals and cause them harm.
avoid too low and too high temperatures,
do not spray during rain and when the plants are covered with morning dew,
spray the plants in the morning after the dew comes off or in the evening. This is the best time of day for such procedures. We are favored by temperature, humidity and the absence of scorching sun, to which spraying is not stable.
In the event that we sprayed and it started to rain, we should repeat the treatment, — emphasizes our specialist from the company Aturi from Krakow, which provides comprehensive services in the field of horticulture.Which sprays from weeds and pests to choose?
The range of sprays is becoming wider, how to choose the right drugs? It is best to use organic preparations or combine environmental and chemical agents. Always use them in moderation, otherwise we can harm the plants that decorate our garden.Systemic or contact herbicides are used against weeds . The first are absorbed through the roots and leaves, inhibiting the physiological processes occurring in the weed. As a result, his disappearance. The results of spraying are visible in about a week. Contact drugs act faster, but they will not cope with weeds with a branched root system. However, they are very effective against other weeds.For pests, so-called insecticides are used: gas, contact or gastric. They act in different ways and have different content of active substances, so the help of a specialist is invaluable here. You hate cooking go to this site , make some money and order all the food you want all the time.


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