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Logo designer - how to become one and where to study

Brief description: Who is a logo designer?

The essence of the job of a logo designer is very clear: such a position is held by a person who draws brand names. In his work, he uses modern electronic means (in particular, a professional graphics tablet) and software products. The logo must be suitable for the company website, its groups in social networks, mobile applications, printed products and other media, so it is almost always developed in several formats.

Features of the profession

The development of a company logo, the choice of certain colors, graphic elements, the selection of fonts - all this is done in close cooperation with the customer. The logo designer should combine his knowledge with the requirements and wishes of the customer, as well as the findings of analysts of his company. In other words, the logo should fit the company, but at the same time, cause positive emotions, promote the right image. The main duties of a logo designer are as follows:

  • Development of design ideas to create a logo.
  • Development and coordination of TOR with the customer or his representatives.
  • Development of the design project and its implementation.
  • Selection of graphic solutions, the most effective in terms of user interests.
  • The use of computer graphics programs for the creation of the logo.
  • Making corrections to the developed material, if necessary.
  • Development of several versions of the logo for use in different media.

Writing a manual for the use of the logo for the advertising department employees of the company-customer.

Quite often a specialist who develops the logo, working on the corporate identity, that is, these services are provided as a package (because they are interrelated).

Pros and cons of the profession logo designer


  • An interesting and creative profession.
  • Good earnings.
  • Demand among employers.
  • Ability to work in a freelance format.
  • The opportunity to get the missing knowledge from the Internet or courses.


Often enough - the project, not constant nature of the work with each specific customer.

The need for in-depth knowledge and advanced skills in the use of graphic design tools.

Not always the exact TOR, the need for a large number of changes when working with customers who "do not know what they want.

Important personal qualities

Logo designer - a creative profession, for which are very important artistic ability and creativity. In addition, you must be able to use modern technology (no one wants a logo drawn by hand on plain paper, even if done very well). You will also need diligence, diplomacy in dealing with customers, the ability to see things through to the end, some analytical skills, and the ability to plan your time.

Place of work

Since training for a logo designer involves the study of graphic design in general, such a specialist can work in any company that provides similar services. Most often these are advertising agencies. In addition, many logo student designers are freelancers.

Salary of a logo designer

In the early stages, when the logo designer needs to build up experience, "strike a hand", to achieve professionalism and to some extent to create his name, he can earn not very much. However, experienced professionals in this field have a high level of income. In addition, the designer can always find a part-time job remotely.

Career advancement

If such an employee works in a firm (for example, advertising), he can reach a managerial position in the design department. When working in a freelance format, it is more about improving their skills and increasing the rates for their services.


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