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Fun Place To Be

by Connie Miller (CCKC “House Mistress”), a weekly peek into one of CCKC’s special events.

Last Thursday I went across the street to the Olive Branch Art Gallery to buy a card.  (They have the best cards!)   Diane, the owner told me that 3 ladies had come in Wednesday afternoon, laughing, talking and reeking of garlic.  Upon further conversation Diane found out that they had just spent 6 hours with Chef Cody Hogan of Lidia’s fame at, you guessed it! The Culinary Center of Kansas City™.  He had taught the “Full Day Italian Cooking Course.”

It is always so enjoyable to be somewhere away from the Culinary Center and then find connections that lead right back to it.  People are always so interested in what we do at The Culinary Center of Kansas City™, what my job is and how I ended up working here.  One thing that I’ve heard over and over is, “It must be such a fun place to work!”  Well, that or I’m being asked about what I get to eat.

Since Chef Matt came on board I think we have all gained some weight.  His staff meals are healthy and well balanced, but so delicious you have to go back for more.  I justify those second (and third) helpings by reminding myself how much I walk between the 2 kitchens.  Someday I am going to wear a pedometer just to find out.

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