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Hello Culinary Center of Kansas Cityâ„¢ friends!

by Rachel Ciordas, our “Dean of Deliciousness”
We are cooking up all kinds of fantastic culinary happenings over here lately and this one is no exception! We’ve got a great tradition of BBQ here in Kansas City and at the culinary center we’re dedicated to making sure that tradition lives on.  We want to make sure we keep smokin’ and grillin’, saucin’ and rubbin’, and in general having a great BBQ time here in Kansas City.  We even have a BBQ institute here with a great line up of classes dedicated to teaching BBQ from the basics up to competition level called the Midwest BBQ Institute (MBQI for short!)
Just having smokalicious classes isn’t enough for us though… we want to CELEBRATE all things BBQ, and we’ve dreamed up a great (free) event on May 1st to do it! So get your family together and come over to The Culinary Center of Kansas Cityâ„¢ between 8:30am and 2pm and check out our butts! (pork butts that is)
P.S. Stop by the Overland Park farmer’s market this Saturday morning and say hello to the Dean of Deliciousness! I’ll be answering your foodie questions and demonstrating seasonal recipes!!

We’re kicking off National BBQ Month with our

First Annual

“Festival of Smoke”

Saturday – May 1st, 2010

8:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

A full-day festival of superlative smoking & glorious grilling education (hey, that’s our job right?) for the Backyard BBQ’r to the Competition BBQ Hound.

The Culinary Center of Kansas City’s

Midwest BBQ Institute

Offering serious educational curriculum dedicated to the art and science of grilling and smoking.

Festival Highlights:

“CCKC PIG-OFF” – A culinary “throw-down” where our own Culinary Center Chefs show off their butts (pork butts that is!) and you get to vote for the best butt.

FREE Culinary Demonstrations throughout the day (with drawings for free MBQI classes)

Tastings of Butts and Other BBQ Delicacies

Live Music

Chef-Prepared BBQ Dishes Available for Purchase

“Make Your Own Rub” Interactive Station


Kansas City BBQ Society Info Booth

“The Smokin’ Schoolhouse Bar” featuring BBQ-appropriate beverages

Healthy Debate (Wood, charcoal, pellet or propane? Rub vs. sauce?)

“Ask-a-Chef” Station


Drawings & Give-Aways of Valuable (and not-so-valuable) Prizes

“Share Our Strength’s” Great American Bakesale with proceeds to help end childhood hunger (featuring baked goods from the staff and students of The CCKC)


Bring the family and come play with us today.

We promise you’ll learn something new!

Psst! The Overland Park Farmers’ Market is open 7:30 a.m. to sellout on Saturdays!

©2010 The Culinary Center of Kansas City™

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