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The New Classes Are In! The New Classes Are In!

2016 CCKC Fall CatalogWe’re excited to present….
Our Culinary Center of Kansas City
New Fall/Holiday Cooking Classes!

They are online now and ready for registration. They are so ‘hot off the presses’ that the printed calendar is STILL ON the press. Seriously, we don’t have the course catalogs yet, but they’re at the printer and will be in your mailbox soon if you’re on our ‘snail mail’ mailing list.  In the meantime, you’re welcome to peruse them all on the worldwide web.

We have some exciting new classes you’ll see on the calendar, and we’ll be telling you more about the new ones on our blog in the next few weeks. Now is the perfect time to sign up – they’re pretty much all wide open at this point!

Click the purple button below to view the classes and sign up before the printed version even hits the mailboxes…)

Register for Classes

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