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Send Your Junior Chef To Our Kitchens Over The Holidays

Junior Chefs AcademyIf you’re starting to think about the holidays – and specifically how you’re going to fill all of those days while the kids are home on school break! – we have an idea!  Send them to The Culinary Center of Kansas City for cooking classes. They also make a great birthday or holiday gift idea, just sayin’…

Reserve spots now. We have several Junior Chefs Academy classes available (for 9-14 year olds), but seats are filling quickly. Don’t miss out. There are even a few classes marked as Adult/Child Option which you can attend with your Junior Chef, if you like. Just purchase another seat in the class, tie on an apron and join them!

~~~  T H A N K S G I V I N G   B R E A K ~~~

~~~  W I N T E R   B R E A K ~~~

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