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Meet Kim Stewart

Enduring nearly twenty annual tax seasons and an insane number of tax filing deadlines would drive many of us over the edge.  It drove me straight into the kitchen.  It’s amazing how relaxing and gratifying it is to create something truly wonderful in the kitchen.  After many years of public accounting, I crossed over to the ‘dark side’ and began a career as a government tax auditor.  This brought some drastic changes, not the least of which was a forty hour work week.  Spending only forty hours a week at work left time available to attend the MBQI (Midwest Barbecue Institute) at the Culinary Center of Kansas City™.  This quickly developed into KCBS BBQ judging certifications and a Christmas gift from a gracious husband to attend the inaugural Pro Series at the CCKC.  Of course, Pro Series II, the Pastry Pro Series and many other interesting classes followed.  I learned of an opportunity to volunteer as a class assistant at the CCKC which ultimately turned into a part time job.  It just doesn’t get any better than finding a way to take something you are passionate about and turning it in to a way to make an extra buck or two.  Especially when it happens at a place like the CCKC – it is full of spectacular co-workers, expert Chefs and great customers.  When I’m not at the CCKC, you’ll find me playing sand volleyball, bicycling or just relaxing outdoors soaking up sunshine unless the weather is uncooperative.  Then you’ll find me catching up on K-State sports, NFL football and auto racing.

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